Can You Freeze Paneer?

Whether you want paneer in curry or in salads, it suits every dish. This is very delicious and popular in Indian cuisine. It might not be possible to freeze paneer. So, “can you freeze paneer” has been a popular question.

It is possible to freeze the paneer and keep it fresh for longer. Some say freezing paneer will affect its texture. So, you should do it properly to stay fresh for at least a week. Else, you’ll notice paneer getting stinky and brown soon.

To know a bit more about freezing paneer, read this article. Here you’ll learn about different ways of freezing paneer. 

Can You Freeze Paneer?


Yes, you can freeze the paneer for use several times. It’s not unknown that paneer is a popular need in your kitchen. You can freeze it cooked, uncooked, or packaged. Before you go for any of the processes, try to know what will benefit you. If you freeze it right, the paneer can be stored in the refrigerator for 6 weeks. 

Panner is required in all traditional recipes. Its variety of use and nutritional elements make paneer an everyday need. Freezing the paneer can give you some relief from the cooking hassle. If you prepare your paneer and freeze it, you can use this anytime. Also, this is going to save you a lot of time.

Also, paneer is made of milk. And dairy products naturally expire in a short time. If you keep the paneer in the refrigerator without any precautions, it can stay edible for 7 days. It is more than necessary that you make the process healthy and safe. It will keep the paneer healthy for a longer time.

How To Freeze Cooked Paneer?

panner butter masala

Cooking paneer, comparatively, is the best way of keeping it healthy. It gives a flavoring while in use. So, you can try it in this way:

Step One: Cut them into cubes 

Cutting your Paneer would be a must. Because, while freezing, paneer can turn its texture into a rubbery one. Then, it will get tougher to process the paneer. So, you better slice up the paneer into pieces you’d like to eat. In this process, you can brush over some ground spices. 

Step 2: Fry the cubes

Now, take them apart and heat some oil in them. Pour the cubed paneer and stir them well. This will give a brown shade soon. Now you can take them off. Make sure, here; you’re using some flavorless oil. This will not overpower the real taste of paneer.

Step 3: Let it sit

Once the paneer has its brown color, you can take them on a plate and keep them at room temperature. Use a paper towel to extract extra oil and leave it for 5 minutes.

Step 4: Freeze the paneer cubes

Now, place them in a baking tray, so they don’t stick to one another. Keep them in a refrigerator for 3 hours.

Step 5: Wrap It Up

Get a zip lock bag and pour all your cheese cubes into it. Now, seal them properly. 

Step 6: Don’t forget to label it

Get labels for each zip lock bag. Now, you can keep them in the refrigerator again for freezing. Just take them out wherever you need to cook them.

How To Freeze Uncooked Paneer?

Uncooked paneer can be used in fresh salads/ cold dishes. This takes a few steps only to freeze and store uncooked paneer for a long time. Follow the instructions:

Step 1: Cut them into cubes

You can cut paneer into cubes. Cut the cubes regarding your need for cooking. If you don’t make the cubes, it’ll get tougher to defrost later.

Step 2: Get them into the refrigerator

Take all your paneer cubes in a tray. And take care of the fact of not sticking with one another. Now, you can leave the tray in the refrigerator for 3 houses.

Step 3: Wrap them up

Take a zee[ lock bag, and pour all the paneer slices. Seal the bag properly; you can keep them stored for months in the refrigerator. 

How Can You Freeze Packaged Paneer?

If you’ve just bought a full package of paneer and want to store it, follow the instructions:

  • First, don’t unpack your store-bought paneer.
  • Get a ziplock bag, and keep the packaged paneer in it.
  • And if you’ve already unpacked the package of paneer, get a plastic wrap. And seat it.
  • Now you can keep it in the segregator for freezing.


Is It Healthy To Eat Frozen Paneer?

Yes, you can defrost frozen paneer and eat it without worrying about any health issues. However, it has a certain expiration date. You can’t use the frozen paneer for a lifetime. 

Make sure the frozen paneer is in good shape. It should be kept in a healthy environment. Don’t forget to maintain the precautions to avoid any bacteria attacks. 

If you’ve frozen the paneer properly, it will certainly add nutritious value to your food. It will provide protein in good amounts. Especially vegetarian people choose paneer as a savior.

Check on the nutritious value of paneer and try eating it more. That will help to maintain a gif body, strong bones, and a metabolism system. 

Nutrition Value Of Frozen Paneer:

Component Nutrition Value (85g frozen paneer)
Sodium302 mg
Carbs1 g
Sugar1 g

How Do You Defrost Frozen Paneer?

You must defrost the frozen paneer before cooking. Before you get into the step, get your paneer out of the refrigerator 4 hours before cooking. This makes paneer come into good shape. 

Follow the instructions: 

  • Get a large bowl and pour some water into it.
  • Put the frozen paneer in it.
  • Keep it in the bowl of water for 5 minutes
  • Remove the paneer from the water
  • Get a paper towel and soak the paneer.
  • Pat dry it. 

And your paneer cubes are ready for cooking. You can now use it in salads as well. 

How Do You Know If Paneer Is Spoiled?

If you’ve frozen paneer for a long time, it’s a must to check if it is spoiled. There are a lot of ways that you can try to check the paneer condition. The most common way people follow is by testing it slightly and checking the scent and texture. 

Signs that your paneer is spoiled: 

  • Check if the paneer has taken a yellow tinge.
  • Check if there are any brown spots over the paneer
  • Taste the paneer and check if it gives a bitter and sour taste.
  • Check if it has any rancid weird taste.
  • If your paneer has no moisture, it is no longer fresh.
  • If the paneer is dry, the paneer might have spoiled.

What If I Accidentally Eat Spoiled Paneer?

The best advice is not to eat spoiled/ expired paneer. However, if you’ve eaten it, it might cause some unpleasant reactions. 

The most common reaction would be “food poisoning”. You might experience nausea, diarrhea, headache, vomiting, and other symptoms of food poisoning. If you notice any of these symptoms, contact the doctor immediately.

Although spoiled paneer does not always show its reaction. If you’re still fit after eating spoiled paneer, it is okay. But don’t go for spoiled paneer next time. 

5 Things You Should Know While Freezing Paneer:

Freezing paneer properly keeps it healthy and tasty. You better check on these quick tips while freezing paneer:

  1. While thawing the frozen paneer, you might want to soak it. However, don’t submerge the paneer in water for more than 10 minutes. It will ruin the taste and texture.
  2. Don’t skip cooling the frozen paneer. It gives a good texture for the further cooking process.
  3. If you’ve not unpacked the paneer, add a container for storing in relegation. The container will protect the paneer from absorbing any ordos from the refrigerator. Also, it keeps the moisture level balanced.
  4. If you have cut paneer in a bigger size, consider soaking it for 30 minutes. And, if you’ve smaller paneer cubes, you can soak them for a shorter time.
  5. While frying the paneer, don’t use anything with other smells.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Can I Do With Expired Paneer?

You can still use expired paneer. It might not have the moist texture it had while it was fresh. Still, this will not be life-threatening. However, you must check whether it is extremely dry or foisty before eating. Fresh paneer is meant to have moisture. So, you better avoid eating dry paneer from the freezer.

How can I store a whole paneer block in the refrigerator?

You can store the whole paneer block easily. Now, fill the container with water, submerge the whole block of paneer, and shut the lid. Finally, you can keep it in the refrigerator. This process can keep up the moisture of your paneer. So, while you’re processing it, this will not get rubbery. 

Can I freeze homemade paneer?

Yes, you’ve made paneer at home; take some precautions. This will keep your homemade paneer fresh for a long time. Just get a plastic wrapping bag, cut the paneer into cubes, wrap the cubes and place them into the refrigerator. You can also add a clean container before placing it into the refrigerator. 

Does frozen paneer expire?

Yes, frozen paneer will expire and spoil after a specific time. Even if you store it in the freezer for a long time, the paneer can last around 6 to 8 weeks. And after the paneer expires, you’ll certainly know it by its taste and smell. 


Paneer is the best type of cheese you can freeze and use for a long time. You, of course, wouldn’t want to take the hassle of making paneer every day. So, freezing the paneer could be a good option. And, of course, decide by yourself in which process you want to freeze the paneer. If you store the paneer properly, it will not get spoiled soon. Even if it is expired, check the taste and smell. If they are bearable, use them.

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